DWG FastView
  • $4.99 /Month

  • $3.99 /Month


    Save 20%
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Super(Premium and 3D View)
  • $9.99 /Month

  • $5.83 /Month


    Save 40%
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Premium account privilege

  • Windows
  • Mobile

Privileges for Windows version

  • Text annotation

  • Leader annotation

  • Line annotation

  • Arrow annotation

  • Rectangle annotation

  • Ellipse annotation

  • Sketch annotation

  • Revcloud annotation

  • 5G cloud storage

  • Linear dimension

  • Aligned dimension

  • Dimension measurement setting

  • Angular dimension

  • Arc dimension

  • Coordinate dimension

  • Display/Hide dimension

  • Diameter dimension

  • Radius dimension

  • Text find

  • External reference

  • Measure circle

  • Measure arc

click to see more

Privileges for mobile version

  • Remove ad

  • Audio annotation

  • Image annotation

  • Text annotation

  • Leader annotation

  • Line annotation

  • Arrow annotation

  • Rectangle annotation

  • Ellipse annotation

  • Sketch annotation

  • Revcloud annotation

  • 5G cloud storage

  • Bookmark

  • Find text

  • Block count

  • Linear dimension

  • Aligned dimension

  • Angular dimension

  • Arc dimension

  • Diameter dimension

  • Radius dimension

  • Dimension setting

  • Measure arc

  • Measure entity

  • Record/export measure result

  • Sync scale

  • Precision setting

  • Off layers

  • Off other layers

  • Last layer

  • Turn on all layers

  • Set current

  • Trim

  • Extend

  • Offset

  • Fillet

  • Chamfer

click to see more

Super account privilege

  • Windows
  • Mobile
  • Web

Privileges for Windows version

  • 3D drawing view

  • Text annotation

  • Leader annotation

  • Line annotation

  • Arrow annotation

  • Rectangle annotation

  • Ellipse annotation

  • Sketch annotation

  • Revcloud annotation

  • 10G cloud storage

  • Linear dimension

  • Aligned dimension

  • Dimension measurement setting

  • Angular dimension

  • Arc dimension

  • Coordinate dimension

  • Display/Hide dimension

  • Diameter dimension

  • Radius dimension

  • Text find

  • External reference

  • Measure circle

  • Measure arc

click to see more

Privileges for mobile version

  • 3D drawing view

  • Remove ad

  • Audio annotation

  • Image annotation

  • Text annotation

  • Leader annotation

  • Line annotation

  • Arrow annotation

  • Rectangle annotation

  • Ellipse annotation

  • Sketch annotation

  • Revcloud annotation

  • 10G cloud storage

  • Bookmark

  • Find text

  • Block count

  • Linear dimension

  • Aligned dimension

  • Angular dimension

  • Arc dimension

  • Diameter dimension

  • Radius dimension

  • Dimension setting

  • Measure arc

  • Measure entity

  • Record/export measure result

  • Sync scale

  • Precision setting

  • Off layers

  • Off other layers

  • Last layer

  • Turn on all layers

  • Set current

  • Trim

  • Extend

  • Offset

  • Fillet

  • Chamfer

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  • 3D drawing view

Enjoy free trial, or simply subscribe monthly or yearly and use it on Mobile, Windows and Web.

How to confirm success of purchase?

After payment, you will receive an email in your billing email address and also you can see your subscription in Account Center.

Will data be lost after premium expires?

No,we take great importance to the data security. Your data will be stored completed after expiration. You can still use DWG FastView but can't use premium features.

Can I get a refund if I am not satisfied?

Sure, you can get a full refund within 7 days and after that, refund by days remaining.

I subscribed on your website, can I use it on my mobile phone?

Yes, you can search DWG FastView in your App market and then login with your account email or social login, remember not to use your billing email to login unless they are the same.



(省 元) 次月续订 次年续订





2.云存储空间 5120M;

3.续费成功后,需要在云图中解冻被冻结的文件,且存储空间在 5120 M范围内

4.续费成功后,允许创建群组 10 个、群组最大成员数 10000 人;


